Prevention from Coronavirus(COVID-19) Disease

Corona-virus(COVID-19) Disease is spreading very faster into the all over the world now we need to aware from it and stay safe and keep safe another persons also as much as possible to avoid to go to the crowded places and try to avoid the meeting the peoples . the safety is the best way to stay safe from corona virus.

These are the ways you can safe yourself .

avoid travelling if not necessary because the virus effect is on different part of the our country and more risky for international traveling also. because we meet different type of poeples so may be if they are effected with this virus its also effect to us.

social distance is the best way to stop this disease if you are not come the direct physical from the other peoples automatically the spread rate of this disease is slow down.

wash your hand regularly in some period of time and avoid to touch your nose and mouth. and also
keep clean your regular uses things like mobile laptop eye glasses.

when you go into the public places or visit any patient  use the mask for your safety and the also others safety stay safe and keep safe others.

cover your cougs from the hand tavels and dont do it i open.


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